Monday, April 24, 2006

Are You Not Entertained?

Recommended Reading: Ewalt, David M. “In Praise of Blood Sport.” 18 Apr. 2006.

I have to admit that after spending years of eating at Woodruff with Bruce, I can’t look at football the way I used to. He pointed out that though the sport is purportedly of the contact variety, on about 75% of the time plays end within seconds of contact (Bruce likes hockey). I am aware that an average man hit by a NFL linebacker (aka moving wall) would likely knock the man out cold, but I’d rather watch something proposed in the article linked above. I’ve pasted a snippet below if you don’t feel like taking two minutes to read it. Bring back lions vs. Christians!
It's hypocritical to suggest that we're somehow above violent sports. Consider what happens on the average football field or hockey rink; men tackle and hit one another, using physical strength to knock the other down and move ahead. If someone hip-checked you in a grocery store, or on a street corner, you'd have them arrested. But in a stadium, we accept it and embrace it.
Movie of the Moment: Gladiator starring Russell Crowe


At Mon Apr 24, 04:28:00 PM EDT, Blogger Dave/Scott said...

Given up on Blueland, have you?

At Wed Apr 26, 08:37:00 AM EDT, Blogger Dave/Scott said...

I guess you have to cheer for some team.


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